All the GOTY does is give you a separate disc or codes to download the DLC. The Iniquities of History - Recover some items for an old man. Now after theee years of playing this game, I want to delete my memory somehow and play this game like for first time. Best to Google it before hand to make sure I'm not mistaken. The layout of the railroad (s) on the leaked map leads me to believe that some areas may be locked. Launch RDR2. Most of the challenges became fun for me on my second play through, I absolutely hated them on my first. New Game+ Save is essentially getting rid of all the repetitive grinding you would otherwise have to do in regular new games of Red Dead Redemption 2 such as hunting legendaries, and jotting down Point of Interests collectibles. One of the files was in compatibility mode, so I changed that. I’ve tried just failing checkpoints until I’m able to skip but it just takes longer then just actually doing the mission. xml file ( some card drivers cannot work properly with Vulkan, but RDR 2 launches with Vulkan by default ) b) Internet port issues, wrong ports, need to change internet settings ( this is fix for online errors at start ). • 23 days ago. A: To begin a new game in Red Dead Redemption 2, open the Pause Menu and select Story. Our walkthrough will tell you how to win the big battle that plays out in a hostile location. With the folder deleted, the update will be removed from your console. If the above article does not resolve the issue you are encountering, please let us know. Last time I checked I had 2700 hours and that is some time ago. Click on Story. Revo is one of the more thorough uninstallers available. Rockstar. [deleted] • 3 yr. Second, you will need a copy of RDR2 for PC. Make sure not to overwrite the old save so you don't lose it. If you save your new game on your old game yes lost ,but there is plenty of save game slots start a new save Reply. djyesko •. ===== Backup. That's why I start with "if there is no option " as some games on stadia does not offer an option to start a new game without having the. Press X on PlayStation (A on Xbox) to confirm. Has anyone had the same problem or have any idea what it could be? Insert image from URL. Find curiosities in the wild. Make sure your game is at the point where it gives the scripthook error, and doesn't let you start. . : r/RDR2. ago. Its not much of an issue to delete my current saves and start a new game, but what I'm noticing is that those saves still exist in the cloud, and when I re-enable cloud saves it automatically reloads the old one. You may also want to know how RDR 2 ‘s autosave feature works. u/Stunning_Map5926. GamingWaffle123 • 1 yr. exe from there the rockstar game launcher will come up, login if you have to, and start RDR2, it will load like normal and you will be back ingame. Nope all your saves will still be there when reinstalled and fully updated, I play version 1. DocumentsRockstar GamesRed Dead Redemption 2Profiles andom number folder < cut/paste or delete all files in that, except Keymappings < if you want to keep custom keybindings you have changed. What I do is save my completed game file to the last slot and alternate between the other 2 for my new game. Afaik just put saddle on new horse and ride away. This allows you much much much later to go back to an earlier point and do things different. I have to say Starfield would be close contender for me, it has plenty of issues but the game is enjoyable enough that I can look past these, it will likely be supported for years also which. To view details about your character or to delete your current character, enter the main menu while you're in Red Dead Online and select "Player. Factory Reset Steam Deck. when you uninstall a game from your console it keeps the saved games on your hard drive in case you reinstall the game so most people forget about this and end up filling up their storage with saved game files that they don't need any more. Rockstar Games - Settings - all the files that start with SGA, delete them all (or cut and paste somewhere because im not. The most egregious example of a tedious and unneeded “gameplay” section I can think of off the top of my head is when the game forces you to slowly walk through the beach on Guarma when Arthur first wakes up and. You can do this by using a USB drive or. 61 and the new 526. ago. You can create a batch file to start the game that will delete the sga files before actually starting the game. Put it back to my documents. In fact even though I heard a lot of complaint about optimization, the game runs fine for me normally. If there is no option you have to call support so they can delete your save. After you’ve completed the main game, you’ll unlock a two-part epilogue. Here you'll find. literally the more time you put into different aspects of the game the higher the chance it will f*ck it all up. You don't even need to turn off autosave. Edit: Talking about the online story missions. 702. Most publishers now release early and fix later with updates. Click “Open” below “View Installation Folder”. Definitely a yes from me. 6 min read. Butcher’s creek town council decided to sacrifice their entire population over a skinned goat. At this point in life the convenience of infinite cloud storage / no updates outweighs minor graphics differences. 4 months ago. 5% finished. Those new to Rockstar's sprawling Western classic might need some help settling into its vast world, while. ago. So I'd try what the user at the bottom suggests. They are listed under whatever you name your protagonist. Launch the game and see if it works. I still have my finished playthrough in two other save slots, and a save from way back in Chapter 2 after I used the gold glitch. Wait for around three minutes to load the game. It sounds confusing but it genuinely fixed it for me. Probably a bug. It'll crawl your registry and remove files there too if they've been installed by the game. • 1 yr. This can be done by going to the “Settings” menu and selecting “Erase Save Data. In the Rockstar launcher, go to settings, and "Scan PC for supported installs. Just take your rockstar games folder in my documents folder,Put it to a flash drive or an external hard drive or a cloud storage service. While potentially obvious, it is important to note that deleting a character will eliminate all. ago. I like the old Assassins Creed games (specifically the Ezio series) the gameplay is definitely a step down from Red Dead, but the story is the best in the AC series. And sometimes, successfully. No-Olive-4810 • 1 yr. This option deletes all photos" maybe see if Xbox does something similar. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the latest and shiniest open world game developed by Rockstar, and it’s finally available to everyone. 2. Meanwhile, anyone with a gaming PC can just drop $5; Rockstar has made the on-ramp very simple. 8) Scroll down and select RDR2. This is a mod that depends on research and R* Patches, That means in general that functions have to be. . Somehow this worked for me and I was able to load my. Desktop. I have a ticket in with rockstar to see if they have a fix. 6) Scroll down and click on the folder Rockstar Games. You can still reload last checkpoint if you get killed just can't forget to save lol. Other than that, after some internet search, you cannot bulk delete in the social club photo thing. The ‘Vestigia’ mod is the work of Nexus Mods user no12mods which essentially heightens almost every aspect of RDR2 ’s open world from the weather to wildlife. Temp ). "It's good to be the king. "Head to your system settings. Rockstar will do this on Red DEAD Online. Performing certain positive actions – like saving citizens under attack by criminals/animals, or aiding lawmen – will. 5 months and countless hours to get to where I wanted to. I restarted twice since release, both time from about 20-30%, having thrown out a weekend of progress. ago So i. Third, you will need a mod called “R. Turn off auto save and make multiple save slots. Set your game to only update on launch in its Steam properties. I can run the game with no mods, great! Then I installed the original scripthook with the nativetrainer, asiloader and dinput8 thing and it crashes a fraction of a second after the shotgun shell sound plays at the initial loading screen. Right-Click “ Red Dead Redemption 2 ” and select “Properties”. I tried to uninstall the game and clean everything out to have a fresh start. Posted by. From here, you can choose to either start a new game or load an existing one. reusable_grenade • 1 yr. and drink exactly a 1/4 cup of breast milk from a. You’ll have to manually save the game on that particular file. After that I like Star Wars Fallen Order; maybe GTA 5. First, you need to find your game’s installation folder. Can you delete your rdr2 Online character? To view details about your character or to delete your current character, enter the main menu while you’re in Red Dead Online and select “Player. Note Some game freezes can keep you from exiting the game. susamogus29 • 1 min. From here, you will need to scroll down to the mission you wish to cancel and press the cancel button. If it does work, then go get LML again, install it and only it, and test to see if the game still works. It's a weird solution, but it's worth a shot!I have struggled for a few hours to diagnose the issues regarding tha launching issues of RDR2. Click here and we’ll get you to the right game studio to help you. Go to the game menu where you access the player tab. I’ll play their new games of course, but if they ever drop off I. u/Stunning_Map5926. To make a new character in Red Dead Online, head into the pause menu and select Player. Most companies wont take that risk. The One Question. Take in the environment. No, you can normally start a new playthrough regardless of your completion percentage. So, how to start a new game without wiping your old save games (per instructions from the OPs link): Enter your old game and trigger a. If you were waiting for the PC release to sample Rockstar's incredible open-world Western game, that wait is over. Right-Click “ Red Dead Redemption 2 ” and select “Properties”. and repeat that step until you find the mod that broke it. howling92 •. Like I said before, it's not a matter of the studio wanting or not to run the game at higher frames, it's. Now you want to go ahead your back up your savegames, just in case. I will post it here if they ever answer. All side missions are still available or are yet to be unlocked. Yes. While the “used” map of RDR2 is big, perhaps Rockstar wanted. When you transferred the launcher's location, you separated them. To do so:To be honest I don’t know if mine are either. 5. The session disconnects after a while. To change the folder used for automatic save files: On the Tools menu, click Options. ) are transferred from chapter 6 to the game epilogue. As DSOGaming reports, one Nexus Mods user, sezzco, has just released a super fleshed out unofficial New Game Plus mode for the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2, and if you were looking for a sign to play through the game again this summer, this is it. If i stay offline, though, i'm good to go. If you want to start a new game with a new character, you will need to create a save file first. 1. By default, automatic save files are placed in the temporary folder (for example,. When launching RDR2, wait until a black screen appears after the initial splash art has disappeared, and hold down L1+R1 throughout the opening scenes. Next, type cmd and press the Ctrl+Shift+Enter keys to run the Command Prompt as. ago. I even tried. Launch RDR2. Click the plus sign (+) next to Automatic Save File Location. advertisement. Dutch, Bill, Javier and John are all key members of the. I probably wont take any of them to fully 100% though. The most common fixes for all RDR 2 errors is: a) Force launch DX12 by adding system. Speaking of our off-the-books merchant pal, when you first get to explore the open world, be sure to take a ride to the burned-out village of Limpany, just to the southwest of Horseshoe. When starting a New Game by selecting New in the main menu, the chapter progress will be overwritten, as well as unlocked perks. Doing so will delete all progress made in the game, including any unlocked items, missions, and side quests. If you actively play both, and save often you may. also you can do this with any steam, epic, ubisoft and origin games you have in your game library with. It would be great to have a way to restart the main story and be able to keep the rest progress you made in the game like Collectables, Compendium and Legendary animals. There isn´t. Fix 1: Run as administrator. I just started a new file the other day, and saved it in two slots. Long as you don’t save over your previous game, yes. You should also perform the factory reset method on Steam Deck to delete all the data and settings to the default state. Remember to take off your bandit mask and to holster your gun (unless you're trying to get into something nefarious). VR mod. Once it's done, copy files into your RDR2 directory. 235K subscribers in the RDR2 community. Make two folders in your RDR2 Main directory, where the . ago. In this way Rockstar Launcher does not try to update every time we launch the game. vampyre_ • 1 yr. When I started the new char, for the first story mission I was still level 1, but as soon as I finished, I got boosted to level 4, and my money and gold were back. The snake crawls away and I turn to see Hosea with his pistol out. You have 15 manual save slots. I checked the game files with steam and everything is fine. Though fast travel does save time, it prevents the player from seeing the world as it was meant to be seen: by. Red Dead Redemption 2 allows you to make up to 15 manual saves. This will bring up a menu in which you will select the “Story” option. ago. It monitors `RDR2. All your data is preserved, but cache is cleared and some settings are reverted and log-in or game start issues are resolved. I can start the Launcher from Steam, but the game will never start. because the game is still gonna get cracked and pirated eventually at which point it should just be removed. . No, ypu also get more stuff in online, especially the horse is nice to have from the start. Free Gold. E. The experience is basically like walking into a fresh save file where the. According to Playstation users they do this "On ps 4 you can go to console settings - application saved data management - delete - and choose file named PHOTO. . Deleted the game and down loading a fresh install now. xml file ( some card drivers cannot work properly with Vulkan, but RDR 2 launches with Vulkan by default ) b) Internet port issues, wrong ports, need to change internet settings ( this is fix for online errors at start ). Does starting a new game in rdr2 delete the old one? Yes . /r/RedDeadRedemption - A subreddit dedicated to Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, the creators behind the Grand Theft Auto series. You can progress in the story and activate the cheats whenever you want to goof off, just know that when you activate cheats, you will have to reload the save file you just made in order to save further progress. You can also complete. So Rockstar Support can’t even fix this & we’ve been trying different things for almost a week. 6 comments. If you do not wish to do this, you should navigate to the Chapters menu and select Chapter 1, and then choose the alternate character at the end of the map. ago. After from the directory itself start the game from the RDR2. Soak in every minute of it and don’t try to rush. exe in the steam common folder, it starts the Launcher and says this Social Club account doesn't own Red Dead Online, which is not the game I am starting, I want to play the story. At this point exit the game. reboots my computer. Howdy partner. Here you'll find. Check the folder size to ensure its downloaded. Does starting a new game in rdr2 delete the old one? Yes. The game is the third entry in the Red Dead series and is a prequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption. Have you tried to exit and restart the game? I have exited and restarted at least a hundred times. Holding square will delete the character, and you can start over and make a new one. If you experience crashes, do this! If you crash when entering the game, Disconnect any controller you have connected to your PC, and then launch the game again. (google search said this, don't rage if its not working for you) im not raging and i genuinely wish that worked, i just now checked the post office to humor you and hope that maybe that was the fix but still nothing. RDR2 just is not like most other games. The teams working on GTAO and RDO are separate teams from any that would have worked on GTA 6 or RDR2. • 3 yr. You’ll need to create your own character or choose a pre-made one by Rockstar Games. Get rid of any background apps to rule out conflicts with those. Click "Launch" under Read Dead 2. Be sure to check it. You can find opportunities to gamble in Saloons across the map. ". Rec Room is free, and cross plays on everything from phones to VR headsets. And here we are 2 months later and. I’ve already tried going on the Xbox that has the original save file and doing the following steps: Sign in. Choose “Run this Program as an Administrator” and disable Full-Screen. ago. Search the list for "rockstar". Hello! I recently accidently deleted a game file so I tried to redownload rdr2. It is the reason why the Pinkertons of RDR2 hate the gang and spend the entire game hunting them down. If I try to start the game itself from RDR2. Click on Rockstar Games Launcher. Hit the options button, select player, and at the bottom it shows the option of holding square to delete character. You'll still have your old horse in the stables. Sony couldn't even manage to do that for 1st party games, like Spider-Man and games like that. VR” that allows RDR2 to be played in VR. Restart back to windows. Yes, the map resets in NG+. Some of the mods are dated before I bought the game. I just went on the the saved data part of the storage section as the data and the game are thankfully stored separately and red dead was still there so hopefully that means my data is ok. I knew Arthur was going to die, so I figured it would just end there. Also I suggest activating the autosave just to be sure to not lose progress in game Rdr2playerman • 2 yr. 1. I tried deleting the save game and starting a new one, downloading a save from the internet and sometimes it works, but when I add and remove mods, the same thing happens again. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AMD CPU. ” While in that menu you can delete your character by holding down the button prompted on the bottom right of the screen. 2. Desktop. There’s only one auto save slot so don’t rely on that. Please note: Deleting saved game data is permanent and cannot be undone. Verify the changes before proceeding. [deleted] • 1 yr. Quit the game and completely shut down Xbox. Bottom line is that it takes an unreasonable amount of time and effort and money to make a game like rdr2. I try to set him free, and he just winds up back in the stable when I pull a different horse out. Prompted to give Windows admin permissions to the Rockstar launcher, I click "yes". exe and select Properties. Mine isn't for some reason, even though other games' are. When the game autosaves, it only writes over the auto save slot. Business, Economics, and Finance. Select Settings. Find the folder with your game files, and just move the file to another drive. 1. and it worked. Party up with friends from all around the world to chat, hang out, explore MILLIONS of player-created rooms, or build something new and amazing to share with us all. Vulkan API has changed and RDR2 has not adapted for these changes in GPU drivers. HanleyM93. Make two folders in your RDR2 Main directory, where the . The only thing you have to be careful of — don’t accidentally save over your other game. • 1 yr. 81K views 4 years ago. If you want to reset your Collectibles/Settings, you will need to manually delete the player profile save outside of the game. This makes me think it may be memory or CPU related. Select and save the game on one of the 10-15 slots on the screen. I dont have a method but if you do get your progress back/make a new save game, go to your properties menu in steam. The game’s vast and atmospheric world also provides the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. The craziest thing just happened. It makes you feel alone, because John feels alone in the desert at this point. see details below: CHAPTER 2 VERSION DETAILS. Then select new game. Go to topic. In vanilla form, you can’t walk fast in camp, horse doesn’t have a holster, can’t “stash” a lantern (assuming this is putting it on the horse), weather is dynamic to coding, wanted/witness system is fucked up but should be experienced as is, there are no “contract killings” in rdr2, the only bank robberies are scripted missions, etc, etc…. Does starting a new game in rdr2 delete the old one?. Locate the Red Dead Redemption 2 folder and delete it. r/RDR2 •. And rightly so. Verified game files six ways from Sunday tried 4 diff version of Proton and ProtonGE. Honor is the system that serves to measure the social acceptability of the protagonists' actions in Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Red Dead Online. 7) Click on the folder Red Dead Redemption 2. I would say the average size of a triple a game is around 50GB, and it's 80+ for an open world title. Yes. i have no option to equip anything. Or, players can start a new game by selecting the New Game Plus mode in RDR2. As one poster suggested, delete/uninstall the launcher and game, then reinstall launcher and d/load the game again. Step 3: search RDR2 (full name not RDR2) Step 4: download to console via app (make sure disc is in console to confirm you own the game) follow instructions on screen's Step 5: sit back and relax why it downloads4. No-Olive-4810 • 1 yr. But jumping straight into the second won’t be a problem from a gameplay completeness and satisfaction perspective. The second playthrough was the best one for me. • 5 yr. By default, the game creates an auto-save at certain checkpoints. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Story Mode Play - Rockstar Games Customer Support. Yes, you’ll have to do the challenges again. aaroncort ( Expert ) - 5 years ago - report. After you complete the initial deletion of the chosen savegames, the Confirmation page displays and lists a summary of the changes. To start a new game in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need to head into the pause menu by pressing the options button. While im 100% done story wise im something like 88. Once you're in there, scroll down to 'Story' and hit X. I have two games going, when I started the second playthrough I turned auto save off. Gluteusmaximus1898. Play Fallout 3 before either New Vegas or Fallout 4, etc. Deleting a character is permanent. I accidentally deleted my rdr2 save file what’s the quickest way to complete the game So yeh I’ve had to start a second save whats to the quickest way for me to finish the story in this save. Posted November 15, 2021. The first things to accomplish are: 1- go to the burnt area east of Lympany and find the chest in the wreckage, at that point a cougar can be heard, go to it and use your bow to kill it and skin a perfect cougar pelt. Try to restart the game. Now you need to choose the Open option under View Installation Folder. Press the Down on the D-pad 4 times > Press X on PlayStation (A on Xbox). Developed by the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America’s unforgiving heartland. 2) Right-click Red Dead Redemption 2. The teams working on GTAO and RDO are separate teams from any that would have worked on GTA 6 or RDR2. . • 3 yr. Pause the game and go to the Story tab. r/RDR2 •. Or, just start a new game. From there, go into "Horses", then "Speciality". 8% done for everything you can possibly do in the game. It can also help you to fix crashing issues with the game. Live service games require constant attention (even without new content being pusbed), so the "focus" is still likely on the new game(s) in the pipeline, with less than a 16th of the workforce being dedicated to both of those online portions. ago. The storyline does not pick up or save from that point forward. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that allows players to erase their save data and start anew. Here is how you can start the game over, from scratch. -2. ago. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. Other then that, I believe you're good. Yes. TheRead.